Explore employer resources to better understand rights, responsibilities, and best practices in agricultural labor. View our FAQs, forms, and pamphlets to make navigating labor regulations and laws in agriculture easier.
Questions and Answers
Get answers to frequently asked questions from employers.
Find procedural and AB 2183 forms in both English and Spanish.
Read pamphlets that cover various topics related to the workplace.
Do you have questions or need help?
Contact the ALRB to have your questions answered and to determine if you have a claim. Your immigration status does not matter.
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda?
Comuníquese con ALRB (La Ley Laboral) para que le respondan sus preguntas y poder determinar si tiene un reclamo. No importa su estatus migratorio.
Call/Llame: (916) 653-3699
Toll Free/Gratuito: +1(800) 449-3699
Email/Correo electrónico: info@alrb.ca.gov
Gavin Newsom