
Your Rights

You have the right to advocate for better working conditions, including higher wages, right to protection at work, right to participate in a charge or case, or to ask questions.

You can also choose to be represented by a union to negotiate with employers on wages, hours, labor disputes, leave time, and health benefits.  

ALRB oversees the process for workers to choose a union through either an election or by signing authorization cards.

Smiling male agricultural worker with a large container of greens and fellow workers in the background picking greens.
Agricultural workers picking produce in the field.

Protected Activity

Also known as concerted activity, the Agricultural Labor Relations Act (Act) gives farm workers the right to engage in protected activity, which means the right to act together to improve their working lives.

Notice of Rights

Discover your rights and protections as a farmworker under the Agricultural Labor Relations Act. This crucial farm labor law enacted in 1975 safeguards your freedom to decide on unionization without interference. Watch the video above, or if you prefer, you can find the full document below. Empower yourself with this essential knowledge.


Access essential pamphlets covering your rights and responsibilities as an agricultural worker. Learn about compliance, elections, unfair labor practices, and more.

Happy Latin farmer working inside agricultural greenhouse - Farm people lifestyle concept


Access essential pamphlets covering your rights and responsibilities as an agricultural worker. Learn about compliance, elections, unfair labor practices, and more.

Happy Latin farmer working inside agricultural greenhouse - Farm people lifestyle concept

Do you have questions or need help?

Contact the ALRB to have your questions answered and to determine if you have a claim. Your immigration status does not matter.

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda?

Comuníquese con ALRB (La Ley Laboral) para que le respondan sus preguntas y poder determinar si tiene un reclamo. No importa su estatus migratorio.

Call/Llame: (916) 653-3699
Toll Free/Gratuito: +1(800) 449-3699 
Email/Correo electrónico:
Gavin Newsom